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I was working on a tag and found myself needing a lake with mist and/or fog rolling on it. So opened up Particle Illusion and made something for my tag. I was also going to add a fire breathing dragon, but when I did, I noticed it really took away from the lake effect so I removed it. I've still included the fire in the set event though it's not on my tag. I used the lake animation(296) plus the steam pool(298) to get the effect in the tag.
I'm using a scrap kit by Angelica S. It's called Woodland Magic and you can find it at SATC.

Can't wait to see what you make :)

Hugs Simone

Tag Preview:
Animation PREVIEWS:
Download: HERE
Monday, February 18, 2013
Sending out a big thank you to all those that share their awesome tag creations using my animations.
I just LOVE seeing what you all come up with. So fascinating!
Sharing a few that have recently been sent to me.
Thanks so much ladies :)

I really do love them.
Made by Kiya
 Made by Evita
 Only the bottom sparkle animation is mine. The musical notes are not.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tiny little fairies!
These are just so cute! Was really excited playing with these and doing my best to keep them at 20 frames each, yikes! lol Almost impossible but I did finally manage to get them just right.
Hope you agree :)

Made a tag using art by Amy Matthews who sells at CDO store and combined it with Bibi's scrap kit "Irish Town". I used animations 294 and 295.


Download : HERE
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Ooops! I did it again! LOL
I was working on a tag today and I was looking for sometime specific for the tag, so I dived into PI and made my fun new little animation. Coins, clover and sparkles! What more can you ask for :)
Here is the tag I made, using Bibi's Collection scrap kit Irish Town and the lovely art of Amy Matthews. I used a combination of two animations, Ani289smaller and Ani290.

Hugs Simone

Download: HERE


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