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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Christmas. I just Love This Time of year. I love snow, I love cold weather, I love the lights, the scents, everything about winter and Christmas. My friends call me crazy, lol
I decided to join everyone else and make a Christmas kit even though it's wayyyyyyy to early to be thinking about that :)
Here's a preview of Darla's tutorial using my scrap kit. Isn't it totally adorable! lol Thanks Darla, I love it :0)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ok, looks like I've received lots of awards while I've been puppy training, lol
Thanks so much ladies, this means a lot. You are all so talented and to receive
anything from you gals and guys is a big bonus in my day. Big hugs.


First, I received the " I love your Blog " Award from Jill. Thanks so much sweetie.

The rules of the "I love your blog" are:
1. The winner can put the award on her blog
2. Link the person you received the award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated

My nominations are:
1. Suzanne of
2. Darla of
3. MayK of
4. Melissa of
5. Louise of
6. Serina of
7. Butter of
8. Sunf of I had to add another one, lol :0)


I've received this Award by many bloggers. Thanks go out to Butter, Serina, Suz and Jessica

Here are the rules for this award. If you receive this award, you must pass it on to 3 other blogs.If you have already received this award, you don't need to pass it on. You must post on winners blogs to let them know about the award.
Here are my 3:
All Fabulous Scrap Designers,
Lou at
Amber at
Sunf at


I've received this Golden Star Award from Butterfly Flutterby, thanks so much sweetie.

I've also received this questionnaire from butter. She's so nosey! lmaoooo j/k.
(1) How long have you been using PSP, PS?
I've been using Paint Shop Pro since 2004. I just love it. Photo Shop I've only just started using it this year (2008). I've also been using CS3.
(2) How did you get into making tags, scrap kits?
Well, the tag making started in 2004 after I joined a Siamese MSN group and started seeing all these wonderful tags in peoples posts. So I search around about them and found myself a couple of wonderful PSP MSN groups and started out that way.
The scrap kits, I started just a few months ago when I first noticed all these wonderful scripts and realized I could make kits up too, just like all the other fine ladies on the web.
(3) Who`s your fave artist?
That would be Rion Vernon. I just love his toons. I also love Jennifer Janesko and Elias Chatzoudis.
(4) Who`s your favourite Scrap Designer?
(5) Which three blogs do you visit everyday?
Sunf's, Suzanne's, butter, Serina, Jill, many!!!
I'm Passing On The Questionnaire to:
Jill of


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