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Monday, December 22, 2008

Hello everyone, hope you're all ready for the Christmas Season. I'm slowly getting there, lol
I'm the one that buys everything at the last minute. I seem to shop better under stress.
Here's a new little freebie. It's called New Year, only because I really didn't know what to call it and the stars I made seemed party-ish. This kit only has elements in it, the papers will come late today or tomorrow. Have fun with it and if you make a tut with it I would love to post the link for it here, so please send them in to me, HERE.

You can download the kit HERE. Have a Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Here's my newest scrap kit and it's a PTU kit. You can purchase it at under sophisticatsimone scrap kits.

Some very good friends of mine grabbed up the kit and made some awesome tutorials. Thanks so much ladies, I really appreciate it and really admire your talent. Big hugs.

Sunf of made a fabulous tag. It's so beautiful and animated. You really need to see it...I just love it. Thanks Sunf, hugsss xoxo.

Next up is this gorgeous tag by MayK. Wow! It's beautiful. Check it out, you'll totally love it. Here's her site, the tut and her blog. Big hugssss.

Next up, is a beauty by Jill of It's pretty gorgeous. Thanks Jill, I appreciate it sweetie. Check the tut out and her blog.

And last but not least is a fabby tutorial by Suz using Al Rio's gorgeous Chritmas tubes.
Suz's totally beautiful tag woman, well done and thanks so much for taking this on. Mauh! xox

Monday, November 24, 2008
Well my good friend Annie aka KcsBrat left me this awesome award and I'm very honored and touched. Laura also has given me this award! You ladies rock.

"Treasured Friends Forever Blog Award"

The rules are simple...
Choose 5 Treasured Friends who have not yet received it and forward the love!
My 5 Treasured Friends are:
1. Butter of

2. Serina of

3. LisaE of

4. Jill of

5. Suzanne of

6. Lou of

I got a secret OMG the men in white coats Finally came and carted off Serina Lou Simone and Butter and put them in straight jackets so Come save them. Remember unless you got an Insanity Pass you won't be able to rescue them, so report to

with your name, rank and msn name and try to break them free fromTHE PADDED CELL!!!!!!
ALL MY EXLUSIVE TUTORIALS ARE NOW LOCATED on Padded Cell and Crafty Minx's is now closed and good bye to msn.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. I'm still in puppy heaven, lmaoooo.
I'm having a blast with this little guy, but he is keeping me away from the PC which is a good and a bad thing. I'm sooooooo missing everything PSP and can't wait to get back into it.
My good friend Serina of Slylin'Serina wrote a new tutorial featuring my scrap kit Harvest. Thanks so much Serina, I love it and it's such a wonderful tag. Well done. You can find her tut HERE.

The next tutorial uses the same scrap kit (Harvest) and is written by Silvia. Thanks so much Silvia, you did a great job on the tag and the tut, love it. You can find this tut HERE and here's the preview. To get to her tutorial site, just click HERE.
My dear friend Shaz also wrote a fantastic tutorial Fall Whispers using the same scrap kit. Wow! So many, and thanks so much ladies, I just love them all. Here is a preview and you can find the tutorial HERE.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Christmas. I just Love This Time of year. I love snow, I love cold weather, I love the lights, the scents, everything about winter and Christmas. My friends call me crazy, lol
I decided to join everyone else and make a Christmas kit even though it's wayyyyyyy to early to be thinking about that :)
Here's a preview of Darla's tutorial using my scrap kit. Isn't it totally adorable! lol Thanks Darla, I love it :0)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ok, looks like I've received lots of awards while I've been puppy training, lol
Thanks so much ladies, this means a lot. You are all so talented and to receive
anything from you gals and guys is a big bonus in my day. Big hugs.


First, I received the " I love your Blog " Award from Jill. Thanks so much sweetie.

The rules of the "I love your blog" are:
1. The winner can put the award on her blog
2. Link the person you received the award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated

My nominations are:
1. Suzanne of
2. Darla of
3. MayK of
4. Melissa of
5. Louise of
6. Serina of
7. Butter of
8. Sunf of I had to add another one, lol :0)


I've received this Award by many bloggers. Thanks go out to Butter, Serina, Suz and Jessica

Here are the rules for this award. If you receive this award, you must pass it on to 3 other blogs.If you have already received this award, you don't need to pass it on. You must post on winners blogs to let them know about the award.
Here are my 3:
All Fabulous Scrap Designers,
Lou at
Amber at
Sunf at


I've received this Golden Star Award from Butterfly Flutterby, thanks so much sweetie.

I've also received this questionnaire from butter. She's so nosey! lmaoooo j/k.
(1) How long have you been using PSP, PS?
I've been using Paint Shop Pro since 2004. I just love it. Photo Shop I've only just started using it this year (2008). I've also been using CS3.
(2) How did you get into making tags, scrap kits?
Well, the tag making started in 2004 after I joined a Siamese MSN group and started seeing all these wonderful tags in peoples posts. So I search around about them and found myself a couple of wonderful PSP MSN groups and started out that way.
The scrap kits, I started just a few months ago when I first noticed all these wonderful scripts and realized I could make kits up too, just like all the other fine ladies on the web.
(3) Who`s your fave artist?
That would be Rion Vernon. I just love his toons. I also love Jennifer Janesko and Elias Chatzoudis.
(4) Who`s your favourite Scrap Designer?
(5) Which three blogs do you visit everyday?
Sunf's, Suzanne's, butter, Serina, Jill, many!!!
I'm Passing On The Questionnaire to:
Jill of
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. I know I am. It's just so beautiful out.
This October has been amazingly warm, which is a real blessing, considering the summer was a real wash out.
Arty-Pharty aka Lisa wrote a lovely tutorial called Take My Breath Away using my new Freebie kit Harvest. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I'll be linking up all the tuts as they come in.
Here's a preview of the tut/tag.

Here's a preview of the tut Jill wrote. She'll be posting it on Monday.

Here's an awesome tag MamaEv made this weekend at Crafty Minxs.

And here's another totally awesome tag/tut made by Deb aka InLove.
She'll also have this up on her blog and her site.

Thanks so much ladies, you rock!!!
Have a great day everyone. Hugs Simone
Friday, October 17, 2008

Here is the new kit I worked on for you all. Just a reminder that all my kits are taggers size and NOT scrappers size. All are saved at 72dpi and resized much smaller then the standard scrap kits.
I have several ladies working on tutorials right now using this wonderful kit and I will post them all here as soon as they are completed.
Enjoy the kit and I would love to see anything you make with it.
You will find the download here and hopefully it will download quickly for you.
Hugs Simone
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ok, so I mentioned yesterday that Serina challenged me with the quote:
"If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?"
I decided to make a scrap kit, since we have the choice of either, tut, tag or kit.
I used some dark blues, green and magenta.
I started working on corsets and it grew from that. I have no idea if my kit makes any sense
but I ended up being happy with it. Check back tomorrow as 3 tut writers are now writing up some tutorials using the kit.
You can download the kit here. Here is the preview, hugs from me Simone.
Monday, October 6, 2008
My goodness, I've not been here for well over a month guys.

Sorry about that. I've not done any PSPing since my last kit and I was

drawing a total and complete blank on anything new.

But, not to worry I've finally come up with a new kit based on Serina's Quote Challenge.

Her challenge to me was to create something around this quote:

"If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?" Dang woman! Could she have made this anymore
difficult for me? lmaoooo
I have 3 gals working up tuts right now on this kit and will post as soon as I get their tuts.
Now I get to challenge someone so ..
Rules of The Challenge.
1. Choose someone to challenge with a quote.
2. With that Quote the challenger (all for fun of course) must use the quote to make a tag/tut or new scrapkit.
3. When they have completed there challenge All they have to do is post it on there blog and pick the next person to play the challenge and then pop over to there blog and let them know.
Easy and Simple.
I am going to challenge Suzanne of Suz Creations with:
"I boo believe in ghosts! I boo, I boo, I boo! " lol
Oh God she's going to smack me. :0)
Have fun Suzanne, hugsssssssssssss

On another note, I've gone and got myself a puppy! I needed to get out of the house more and not always be stuck to the PC so off I went and got one. He is soooooooooooo cute.

Here are a couple of pics. Doesn't he look like a Teddy Bear? lol
He is very, very sweet. Very good dog.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Time for a new kit. I made this one for my friends over at Sblendid MSN group.
We are having a contest over there for tutorial writers. Can't wait to see all their
results. This took me over a week to make...I've been so sick it's ridiculous.
Well, I really hope you enjoy this one and I would so love to see any tags or tuts you make
with this kit. Hugssssss and have a great day.
links: You need to download all links to get the full kit.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The links for the Technocolor scrap kit are now working.
Sorry about that.
I noticed that, is adding it's url in front of my download url,
so that's why you guys can't download.
If this happens again, just delete the web address in the address bar
and leave the download url and refresh your screen. You should get it then.

Hugs Simone
Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Sunf awarded me with a fabby flashy award!

Love it :0) Check her out at Urban Fairy Tales.

So to the rules of the award
Pass this on to 4 of your most trusted friends blogs,then post on their blogs to let them know about the reward. Here are my four trusted friends.


Saturday, August 16, 2008
So I finally felt well enough to go out today. First time in a week. I hate being sick.
I went to my local zoo and watched all the feedings...this clip is the most entertaining of the day for me. This is a Siberian Tiger named Tony. He's the only male there, with two females. Looks like he wanted to play with the female, but she was not interested. So, they got into a little tiff.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray for me! lol

I won an award .. I recieved this award from Serina at Stylin' Serina and I won it a second time from Butter at ButterflyFlutterby Creation Scraps.

I guess I shouldn't be so slow getting around to things. Mind you, I've been pretty sick this week. Tonight is the first night in about 5 -6 days that I feel somewhat normal.

So it says I must pass it on to 7 other lucky bloggers.

Looking around and searching for quite some time I'm realising that many bloggers already have this award......hmmm...what to do....

1. Pammie of
2. KcsBrat of
3. MayK of

Well that will be think we can only award the same award so much. LOL.
Some bloggers have received it countless times. Bless them :0)
Have a great weekend everyone
Hugs Simone
This week at Crafty Minxs, we got another color scheme challenge:

Pretty bright eh? lol
Talk about a challenge. Anywho, I made a little scrap kit with those colors in it.
Hope someone can find something to do with it. I would love to see your results or tutorials.
Just a reminder that these kits are saved at 72 dpi resolution, so printing them out is not ideal.
I also re size everything to a manageable size for signature tag makers.
Have a great weekend.


The kit is named: Technocolor

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ok so I wanted to make something myself and figure out all the "behind the scenes" of a blog and I came up with this. Hope you all like it, I love it, lol. I'm using the stunning scrapkit Mariposa by Irene V. Alexeeva URL:
She is my all time favorite scrap creator. I think her art is beautiful and graceful. Visit her blog, you won't be sorry.

I'm also using the gorgeous art of Jay Trembly, { I'll let you google him as he does have adult art } He licenses his art through the company CILM and I purchased a license to use the above piece "OLDshhh". Well I purchased a license to use ALL his current art available there, lol. Ok, call me crazy.

Anyway, that's about it for me today. I'm still a cold or something, been this way since Saturday. Nice way for me to start my week of vacation time. Oh well, what can you do but stay at home and scrap, and make awesome sigtags.

Have a great day!Simone
Monday, August 11, 2008
I have been tagged by Sunf of Urban Fairy Tales Blog
Ya big brat!!! lol
Love you and your tags, and your tuts and your new blog! lmaooooo, xox

These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 facts about me:
1 I was hypnotized today
2 I've recently lost 30 lbs.
3 I'm exhausted right now.
4 I'm obsessed with Animal Planet
5 I love the Dog Whisperer
6 I'm on a mini Vacation right now
7 Did I mention I'm exhausted right now!

People i am tagging
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Ohhhhhhhhhh does she ever! Big bananas too! LOL......this is little inside joke in our group and we love to tease our sweet Serina!
I really wanted to make a little something for her, as she just does so much in the group and we all love her and think the world of her. So like the Voodoo kit I made for my sweet ButterflyFlutterby, I did one for Serina also. Hope you enjoy it. This kit is also based on our color scheme this past week at Crafty Minxs.
Download the elements and papers, and if you make something with it, I would love to see it. If you write a tutorial using the kit, send me a link, I can add it to the blog.
Hugsssss and have a great day.
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hi everyone! I've made a new freebie scrap kit, called "Just A Girl".
It's all soft pink colors and I love it.
Hope you enjoy it.

Here's the preview and the downloads......please don't copy and paste the links, it draws on my bandwidth and then no one else can access them. Thanks so much.

Friday, August 1, 2008
This week's color scheme at Crafty Minxs is Red, White and Black. Nice easy colors.
In this kit, there are about 30 papers and several elements. If any of you are interested in using the scrap kit in a tutorial, I would love to see your tag.
Here is the preview and the download links.
hugs Simone

Elements 1:
Elements 2:
Elements 3:
Papers 1:
Papers 2:
Papers 3:

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Woot Woot!
My good friend Butterfly Flutterby has written up a tutorial for the Voodoo Doll kit I made her. It's really cute. Hope you all enjoy it.
I had fun making the little dolls...I drew them in PSP using the pen tool.
I added color, texture and the used the burn brush to add shade/dark areas.
Using the dodge brush I lighten some areas....
I did rely on a photo of a Voodoo doll, because I wasn't too sure how to do it, but I think it turned out pretty darn good.
Here is Butter's tut, hugssss Simone
Voodoo Pins
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hi everyone!
Hope you're all enjoying the new kit. I'm thinking of adding more stuff to it, so keep checking back. I was going through my friends blogs and on Yvette's blog she's got a new look as well, and shared where she found this awesome site with free backgrounds. Thanks Yvette!
I've been wanting something nicer for a while now and I just couldn't figure out how to change things myself. The site is shelsscraps. She has a little tutorial in the side bar on how to change the background. Hope you enjoy her site!
I still need to change the header, so I'll work on that tonight.
Have a great day everyone!

Hugs Simone
Hi everyone!
Well I'm back from my High School Reunion and I had a blast!
Twenty years sure did fly by quickly! Yikes! lol
Anyway, I had fun and seeing everyone was fabulous.

This new scrap kit is called Voodoo and I made it specifically for my good friend
Butterfly Flutterby. She loves gothic kits and she's notorious for making Voodoo dolls and sticking pins in your butt! ya butter!
Here are the previews and the downloads, enjoy.
Butter has made a tutorial using this kit. Thanks butter.

Voodoo-elements_1 Download
Voodoo-elements_2 Download
Voodoo-elements_3 Download
Voodoo-Papers_1 Download
Voodoo-Papers_2 Download
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Just a little note to let you know, I've switched some links as my bandwidth was being pulled way out of control. I really hope people aren't copying and pasting my links all over the place.
Please just send them to my blog and they can download themselves and it saves me from spending my money on the purchase of extra bandwidth. I'd rather spend my money of scrap stuff. That way I can make more kits and we all win.

Have a great day everyone.
hugs Simone
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hi everyone. Hope you had fun with the Breeze scrap kit. I know I did :0)

This week's color challenge is full of vibrant colors that jump out at you.

I've made some papers, bows, ribbons, frames etc for you to play with.

Rose.Li has a new action out for envelopes and I used that to create the one

included in the kit. This kit is called Lost Letter [download HERE or HERE].

Hope you have fun with it.

Just a note to tutorial writers; if you use the kits to make tutorials, that's totally fine

with me, I have no problem with that. Just provide a link back to this blog so they

can download the kit. Thanks so much.

The kit is Tagger's size at 72-100 dpi, not made for downloading and printing.

Take care everyone until the next freebie kit.

Hugs Simone

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Ok so here you all go! I had a bunch of fun making this huge kit.
I really hope you all love it.
We also have 4 new tutorials at Crafty Minxs using this scrap kit.
The kit is called Breeze. The colors are from the color challenge we had this week.
Ok so don't be shy, download away and I would love to see anything you make with this.
This is a kit aimed for Signature Tag makers and not scrappers. Sorry.
Hugs Simone

This is a big download, several links:
Breezy Elements 1

Breezy Elements 2

Breezy Elements 3

Breezy Elements 4

Breezy Frames

Breezy Papers

Breezy WordArt

Breezy Word Art


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