My Blinkie


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Monday, December 14, 2009
Are you ready for another frame?
Playing around with some new actions I bought last night.
Gotta love those!
Sending out a big thank you to FaMaura, Eirene Designs, Carli Designs and Mariana Barros for sharing their wonderful talent so I can play and have some fun creating stuff for you guys and gals.
Ok, here's the preview, hope you like it and please don't be shy, send me your tags and tuts if you make anything.
Hugs Simone

Preview: please click on thumbnail for larger view

Download HERE
Contest Time!
I need a blinkie for my blog and I really don't feel like making one :0)
Here's where you come in. Create a blinkie for Scrappy Bit of Fun and
you can win a scrap kit made with your ideas.
You get to pick
* theme
*color scheme
*kit name
I will give it to you first and then have it for download on the blog for others.
Some things I like, just to give you an idea.
*cats, birds, butterflies, daisies, tulips
*purple, blue, mauve, white
*must say " Scrappy Bit Of Fun" somewhere on the blinkie
*would like it to say "Scraps for Taggers" on it, but not a must
*must be 150 x 50 pixels
*love glitter, sparkles etc
I will vote on these on January 4th, 2010
Good luck and have fun!
Can't wait to see your blinkies.
Hugs Simone


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