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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well.

I've recently had surgery to remove my gallbladder. It's now been 7 days and things are getting much, much better. I must say I was a little surprised at the amount of discomfort I would be in the first couple of days. Mind you, it was nothing compared to a gall bladder attack, lol. I'm so happy I won't be having any of those anymore. My belly is bruised and tender over the incisions. I have four cuts. The bellybutton one bugs me because my jeans, or pants, rub up against it and drives me batty. Also, I never noticed how often my cats like to jump on me and more specifically my tummy, until this surgery. Dang! LOL, I thought I would die everytime one of them landed on my abdomen. Outch!

Ok enough about that. Here's a Freebie kit I made for taggers. Hope you enjoy it and get to make a tag or two from it. Have a wonderful and safe Canada Day and for my American friends have a great Independance Day on July 4th.

hugs Simone

Download HERE


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