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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Here we go again riding the cyber rails, choo choo!!!
We have lots of fabulous contributors this month.
Lots of lovely goodies, enjoy and have fun downloading.

Here's my preview and my download, please remember to say a little thank you.
It really helps to make us feel good. Hugs Simone.
Also, this alpha goes with all the kits made as well as the New Year's kit I posted last week.
Check here to see that post.
Download Alpha HERE:
A New Beginning Lower Case

A New Beginning Numbers

A New Beginning Upper Case

A New Beginning Upper Case 2


Peg said...

Thanks for the fun alpha!

craftychic said...

Thank you :) Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

thank you very much!!

BethW said...

cool letters and numbers Thank You

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